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Transport to Biblis 2020

The return of six HAW28M CASTOR® casks with remaining German waste from England to the state interim storage facility for fuel elements in Biblis was carried out safely and successfully in the fall of 2020. The transport started in Sellafield, England. After the ship's passage, the six casks were then transported by rail to Biblis in Germany, where they were shunted onto the siding in the immediate vicinity of the state-owned interim storage facility on November 4, 2020 as planned. The casks were then successively transported to the interim storage facility, where they were safely stored by the operator, the federally owned BGZ Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung, and connected to the monitoring system.

The entire transportation process was monitored by the relevant authorities and independent experts. All accompanying measurements have confirmed that the applicable limit values were adhered to at all times. The health of all those involved and the population along the transport route had top priority at all times.