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Transport to Philippsburg 2024

The return of four HAW28M CASTOR® casks with remaining German waste from France to the state-owned interim storage facility in Philippsburg was carried out safely and successfully in November 2024. On the part of the nuclear power plant operators, this was the first and also the last CASTOR® transport with radioactive waste from outside to the Philippsburg interim storage facility. The starting point of the transport was a loading station near the reprocessing plant in La Hague, France. From there, the transport was carried out by rail. The transport was monitored by the relevant state authorities. The protection of people and the environment was guaranteed at all times.

Storage in the state interim storage facility

The four casks were handed over to the federally owned BGZ Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung, which operates the state interim storage facility in Philippsburg. BGZ will safely store the casks and connect them to the monitoring system.

The video shows the arrival of the four CASTOR® casks at the power plant site and the subsequent reloading and transportation of the casks to the state interim storage facility in Philippsburg in November 2024.

International legal obligations towards France fulfilled

The four CASTOR® casks contain the last radioactive waste that was produced during the earlier reprocessing of German fuel elements in France and was still there. By taking back this waste, Germany has now fulfilled its obligations to France under international law in this regard.